a daily posting of inspirational, funny or instructive thoughts that are intended to brighten or lift your day, make you smile or bring you encouragement
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday January 31, 2011 thought for the day

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday January 23, 2011 thought for the day

10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The skies will disappear with a loud noise. Everything in them will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be exposed. 11 In that way everything will be destroyed. So what kind of people should you be? You should live holy lives and serve God,12 as you wait for and look forward to the coming of the day of God. When that day comes, the skies will be destroyed with fire, and everything in them will melt with heat.13 But God made a promise to us, and we are waiting for a new heaven and a new earth where goodness lives.
14 Dear friends, since you are waiting for this to happen, do your best to be without sin and without fault. Try to be at peace with God.15 Remember that we are saved because our Lord is patient. Our dear brother Paul told you the same thing when he wrote to you with the wisdom that God gave him.16 He writes about this in all his letters. Some things in Paul's letters are hard to understand, and people who are ignorant and weak in faith explain these things falsely. They also falsely explain the other Scriptures, but they are destroying themselves by doing this.
17 Dear friends, since you already know about this, be careful. Do not let those evil people lead you away by the wrong they do. Be careful so you will not fall from your strong faith.18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory be to him now and forever! Amen.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Saturday January 29, 2011 thought for the day

Jesus Will Come Again
1 My friends, this is the second letter I have written you to help your honest minds remember.2 I want you to think about the words the holy prophets spoke in the past, and remember the command our Lord and Savior gave us through your apostles.3 It is most important for you to understand what will happen in the last days. People will laugh at you. They will live doing the evil things they want to do.4 They will say, "Jesus promised to come again. Where is he? Our fathers have died, but the world continues the way it has been since it was made."5 But they do not want to remember what happened long ago. By the word of God heaven was made, and the earth was made from water and with water.6 Then the world was flooded and destroyed with water.7 And that same word of God is keeping heaven and earth that we now have in order to be destroyed by fire. They are being kept for the Judgment Day and the destruction of all who are against God.8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: To the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day.9 The Lord is not slow in doing what he promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but he wants all people to change their hearts and lives.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday January 21, 2010 thought for the day

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Thursday January 27, 2011 thought for the day

False Teachers
1 There used to be false prophets among God's people, just as you will have some false teachers in your group. They will secretly teach things that are wrong—teachings that will cause people to be lost. They will even refuse to accept the Master, Jesus, who bought their freedom. So they will bring quick ruin on themselves.2 Many will follow their evil ways and say evil things about the way of truth.3 Those false teachers only want your money, so they will use you by telling you lies. Their judgment spoken against them long ago is still coming, and their ruin is certain.4 When angels sinned, God did not let them go free without punishment. He sent them to hell and put them in caves of darkness where they are being held for judgment. 5 And God punished the world long ago when he brought a flood to the world that was full of people who were against him. But God saved Noah, who preached about being right with God, and seven other people with him.6 And God also destroyed the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them until they were ashes. He made those cities an example of what will happen to those who are against God.7 But he saved Lot from those cities. Lot, a good man, was troubled because of the filthy lives of evil people.8 (Lot was a good man, but because he lived with evil people every day, his good heart was hurt by the evil things he saw and heard.)9 So the Lord knows how to save those who serve him when troubles come. He will hold evil people and punish them, while waiting for the Judgment Day.10 That punishment is especially for those who live by doing the evil things their sinful selves want and who hate authority.
These false teachers are bold and do anything they want. They are not afraid to speak against the angels. 11 But even the angels, who are much stronger and more powerful than false teachers, do not accuse them with insults before the Lord. 12 But these people speak against things they do not understand. They are like animals that act without thinking, animals born to be caught and killed. And, like animals, these false teachers will be destroyed. 13 They have caused many people to suffer, so they themselves will suffer. That is their pay for what they have done. They take pleasure in openly doing evil, so they are like dirty spots and stains among you. They delight in deceiving you while eating meals with you. 14 Every time they look at a woman they want her, and their desire for sin is never satisfied. They lead weak people into the trap of sin, and they have taught their hearts to be greedy. God will punish them!15 These false teachers left the right road and lost their way, following the way Balaam went. Balaam was the son of Beor, who loved being paid for doing wrong.16 But a donkey, which cannot talk, told Balaam he was sinning. It spoke with a man's voice and stopped the prophet's crazy thinking.
PS-Does anyone remember reading verse 4 before??
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday January 26, 2011 thought for the day

HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS FOR TODAY 1-It is critical to consider how we perceive our personal world for it will largely determine our existence- 2-God created us in his image and God is a spirit. Therefore we are spirit beings with souls living in a physical body- 3-If you allow "garbage" into your body, mind and spirit, you can expect "garbage " to come out- 4-A good person produces good works from a good heart and an evil person produces evil works from an evil heart- 5-The things you do and say begin with the things you think and believe- STRANGE THOUGHT-Something that nobody believes cannot be proved too often- I'VE LEARNED-No matter how long the winter, spring will follow- DID YOU KNOW-The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of elements- 5 THINGS I WANT TO KNOW 1-Is there confession in repentance? 2-What part does repentance play in salvation? 3-Is there salvation without repentance? 4-Does repentance come before or after being born again? 5-Does repentance always lead to life style changes? BIBLE TRIVIA-What king executed John the Baptist after his wife's daughter asked for the head of John on a platter? Yesterday's answer-Ishbosheth SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY 2 Peter 1:16-21 We Saw Christ's Glory16 When we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we were not telling just clever stories that someone invented. But we saw the greatness of Jesus with our own eyes. 17 Jesus heard the voice of God, the Greatest Glory, when he received honor and glory from God the Father. The voice said, "This is my Son, whom I love, and I am very pleased with him."18 We heard that voice from heaven while we were with Jesus on the holy mountain.19 This makes us more sure about the message the prophets gave. It is good for you to follow closely what they said as you would follow a light shining in a dark place, until the day begins and the morning star rises in your hearts.20 Most of all, you must understand this: No prophecy in the Scriptures ever comes from the prophet's own interpretation.21 No prophecy ever came from what a person wanted to say, but people led by the Holy Spirit spoke words from God.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday January25, 2011 thought for the day

10 My brothers and sisters, try hard to be certain that you really are called and chosen by God. If you do all these things, you will never fall. 11 And you will be given a very great welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
12 You know these things, and you are very strong in the truth, but I will always help you remember them.13 I think it is right for me to help you remember as long as I am in this body.14 I know I must soon leave this body, as our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me.15 I will try my best so that you may be able to remember these things even after I am gone.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday January 24, 2011 thought for the day

To you who have received a faith as valuable as ours, because our God and Savior Jesus Christ does what is right.
2 Grace and peace be given to you more and more, because you truly know God and Jesus our Lord.
God Has Given Us Blessings
3 Jesus has the power of God, by which he has given us everything we need to live and to serve God. We have these things because we know him. Jesus called us by his glory and goodness. 4 Through these he gave us the very great and precious promises. With these gifts you can share in God's nature, and the world will not ruin you with its evil desires.5 Because you have these blessings, do your best to add these things to your lives: to your faith, add goodness; and to your goodness, add knowledge;6 and to your knowledge, add self-control; and to your self-control, add patience; and to your patience, add service for God;7 and to your service for God, add kindness for your brothers and sisters in Christ; and to this kindness, add love.8 If all these things are in you and are growing, they will help you to be useful and productive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.9 But anyone who does not have these things cannot see clearly. He is blind and has forgotten that he was made clean from his past sins.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday January 23, 2011 thought for the day

8 Control yourselves and be careful! The devil, your enemy, goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to eat.9 Refuse to give in to him, by standing strong in your faith. You know that your Christian family all over the world is having the same kinds of suffering.
10 And after you suffer for a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling. He called you to share in his glory in Christ, a glory that will continue forever.11 All power is his forever and ever. Amen.
Final Greetings
12 I wrote this short letter with the help of Silas, who I know is a faithful brother in Christ. I wrote to encourage you and to tell you that this is the true grace of God. Stand strong in that grace.13 The church in Babylon, who was chosen like you, sends you greetings. Mark, my son in Christ, also greets you.14 Give each other a kiss of Christian love when you meet.
Peace to all of you who are in Christ.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Saturday January 22, 2011 thought for the day

4-God cannot answer a prayer that is not prayed-
The Flock of God
1 Now I have something to say to the elders in your group. I also am an elder. I have seen Christ's sufferings, and I will share in the glory that will be shown to us. I beg you to2 shepherd God's flock, for whom you are responsible. Watch over them because you want to, not because you are forced. That is how God wants it. Do it because you are happy to serve, not because you want money.3 Do not be like a ruler over people you are responsible for, but be good examples to them.4 Then when Christ, the Chief Shepherd, comes, you will get a glorious crown that will never lose its beauty. 5 In the same way, younger people should be willing to be under older people. And all of you should be very humble with each other.
"God is against the proud,
But he gives grace to the humble." — Proverbs 3:34
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday January 21, 2010 thought for the day

Suffering as a Christian
12 My friends, do not be surprised at the terrible trouble which now comes to test you. Do not think that something strange is happening to you.13 But be happy that you are sharing in Christ's sufferings so that you will be happy and full of joy when Christ comes again in glory.14 When people insult you because you follow Christ, you are blessed, because the glorious Spirit, the Spirit of God, is with you.15 Do not suffer for murder, theft, or any other crime, nor because you trouble other people.16 But if you suffer because you are a Christian, do not be ashamed. Praise God because you wear that name.17 It is time for judgment to begin with God's family. And if that judging begins with us, what will happen to those people who do not obey the Good News of God?18 "If it is very hard for a good person to be saved,
The wicked person and the sinner will surely be lost!"
19 So those who suffer as God wants should trust their souls to the faithful Creator as they continue to do what is right.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday January 20, 2011 thought for the day

Use God's Gifts Wisely
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wednesday January 19, 2011 thought for the day

Change Your Lives
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday January18, 2011 thought for the day

Monday, January 17, 2011
Monday January 17, 2011 thought for the day

Suffering for Doing Right
8 Finally, all of you should be in agreement, understanding each other, loving each other as family, being kind and humble.9 Do not do wrong to repay a wrong, and do not insult to repay an insult. But repay with a blessing, because you yourselves were called to do this so that you might receive a blessing. 10 The Scripture says, "A person must do these things
To enjoy life and have many happy days.
He must not say evil things,
And he must not tell lies.
11 He must stop doing evil and do good.
He must look for peace and work for it.
12 The Lord sees the good people
And listens to their prayers.
But the Lord is against
Those who do evil." — Psalm 34:12–16
13 If you are trying hard to do good, no one can really hurt you. 14 But even if you suffer for doing right, you are blessed.
"Don't be afraid of what they fear;
Do not dread those things." — Isaiah 8:12–13
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday January 16, 2011 thought for the day

Wives and Husbands
1 In the same way, you wives should yield to your husbands. Then, if some husbands do not obey God's teaching, they will be persuaded to believe without anyone's saying a word to them. They will be persuaded by the way their wives live.2 Your husbands will see the pure lives you live with your respect for God.3 It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful.4 No, your beauty should come from within you—the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit that will never be destroyed and is very precious to God.5 In this same way the holy women who lived long ago and followed God made themselves beautiful, yielding to their own husbands.6 Sarah obeyed Abraham, her husband, and called him her master. And you women are true children of Sarah if you always do what is right and are not afraid.7 In the same way, you husbands should live with your wives in an understanding way, since they are weaker than you. But show them respect, because God gives them the same blessing he gives you—the grace that gives true life. Do this so that nothing will stop your prayers.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Saturday January 15, 2011 thought fior the day

Follow Christ's Example
22 "He had never sinned,
And he had never lied." — Isaiah 53:9
23 People insulted Christ, but he did not insult them in return. Christ suffered, but he did not threaten. He let God, the One who judges rightly, take care of him. 24 Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross so we would stop living for sin and start living for what is right. And you are healed because of his wounds. 25 You were like sheep that wandered away, but now you have come back to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Friday January 14, 2010 thought for the day

Live for God
Yield to Every Human Authority
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Thursday January 13, 2011 thought for the day

8 Also, he is
"a stone that causes people to stumble,
a rock that makes them fall." — Isaiah 8:14
They stumble because they do not obey what God says, which is what God planned to happen to them.
9 But you are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. You were chosen to tell about the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.10 At one time you were not a people, but now you are God's people. In the past you had never received mercy, but now you have received God's mercy.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wednesday January 12, 2011 thought for the day

Jesus Is the Living Stone
1 So then, rid yourselves of all evil, all lying, hypocrisy, jealousy, and evil speech. 2 As newborn babies want milk, you should want the pure and simple teaching. By it you can mature in your salvation, 3 because you have already examined and seen how good the Lord is. 4 Come to the Lord Jesus, the "stone" that lives. The people of the world did not want this stone, but he was the stone God chose, and he was precious.5 You also are like living stones, so let yourselves be used to build a spiritual temple—to be holy priests who offer spiritual sacrifices to God. He will accept those sacrifices through Jesus Christ. 6 The Scripture says:
"I will put a stone in the ground in Jerusalem.
Everything will be built on this important and precious rock.
Anyone who trusts in him
Will never be disappointed." — Isaiah 28:16
7 This stone is worth much to you who believe. But to the people who do not believe,
"the stone that the builders rejected
Has become the cornerstone." — Psalm 118:22
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tuesday January11, 2011 thought for the day

"All people are like the grass,
And all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass dies and the flowers fall,
25 but the word of the Lord will live forever." — Isaiah 40:6–8
And this is the word that was preached to you.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday January 10, 2011 thought for the day

Sunday, January 09, 2011
Sunday January 9, 2011 thought for the day

Call to Holy Living
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Saturday January 8, 2011 thought fior the day

We Have a Living Hope
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In God's great mercy he has caused us to be born again into a living hope, because Jesus Christ rose from the dead.4 Now we hope for the blessings God has for his children. These blessings, which cannot be destroyed or be spoiled or lose their beauty, are kept in heaven for you.5 God's power protects you through your faith until salvation is shown to you at the end of time.6 This makes you very happy, even though now for a short time different kinds of troubles may make you sad.7 These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure. This purity of faith is worth more than gold, which can be proved to be pure by fire but will ruin. But the purity of your faith will bring you praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is shown to you.8 You have not seen Christ, but still you love him. You cannot see him now, but you believe in him. So you are filled with a joy that cannot be explained, a joy full of glory.9 And you are receiving the goal of your faith—the salvation of your souls. 10 The prophets searched carefully and tried to learn about this salvation. They prophesied about the grace that was coming to you.11 The Spirit of Christ was in the prophets, telling in advance about the sufferings of Christ and about the glory that would follow those sufferings. The prophets tried to learn about what the Spirit was showing them, when those things would happen, and what the world would be like at that time.12 It was shown them that their service was not for themselves but for you, when they told about the truths you have now heard. Those who preached the Good News to you told you those things with the help of the Holy Spirit who was sent from heaven—things into which angels desire to look.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Friday January 7, 2010 thought for the day

Encouragement for Suffering Christians
1 From Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ.To God's chosen people who are away from their homes and are scattered all around Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. 2 God the Father planned long ago to choose you by making you his holy people, which is the Spirit's work. God wanted you to obey him and to be made clean by the blood of the death of Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace be yours more and more.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Thursday January 6, 2011 thought for the day

The Power of Prayer
Saving a Soul
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Wednesday January 5, 2011 thought for the day

HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS FOR TODAY 1-Give and it shall be given you- 2-You can learn more from your failures than from your success's- 3-You can start again- 4-I cannot bring the fire, but I can prepare the altar- 5-Repentance is not only for the sinner but for the Christian also- STRANGE THOUGHT-When a menu has everything on it, it should be replaced by a clean one- I'VE LEARNED-Don't let what other people think, decide who you are- DID YOU KNOW-The infinity character on the keyboard is call a lemniscate- 5 THINGS I WANT TO KNOW 1-Is the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of God the same thing? 2-When a believer is sanctified, who does it-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit? 3-How is a believer made Holy? 4-What does it mean to be Holy? 5-Does emotion play any part in being filled with the Holy Spirit? BIBLE TRIVIA-Who built pagan temples to please all his foreign wives? Yesterday's answer-David SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY JAMES 5:7-12 Be Patient 7 Brothers and sisters, be patient until the Lord comes again. A farmer patiently waits for his valuable crop to grow from the earth and for it to receive the autumn and spring rains.8 You, too, must be patient. Do not give up hope, because the Lord is coming soon.9 Brothers and sisters, do not complain against each other or you will be judged guilty. And the Judge is ready to come!10 Brothers and sisters, follow the example of the prophets who spoke for the Lord. They suffered many hard things, but they were patient.11 We say they are happy because they did not give up. You have heard about Job's patience, and you know the Lord's purpose for him in the end. You know the Lord is full of mercy and is kind. Be Careful What You Say 12 My brothers and sisters, above all, do not use an oath when you make a promise. Don't use the name of heaven, earth, or anything else to prove what you say. When you mean yes, say only yes, and when you mean no, say only no so you will not be judged guilty. I WISH YOU A DAY FILLED WITH LOVE, LAUGHTER, FORGIVENESS AND THANKSGIVING-JASPER |