Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday September 17, 2007 thought for the day

JESUS IS OUR LIGHTHOUSE TO GOD-here are my thoughts for today-
1-Forgiving is an expression of love-
2-Forgiving is not a process or journey, but it can be done in steps-
3-Forgiveness is not contingent on repentance, but should be given when the offender asks first-
4-For the Christian, forgiving someone is a sacred act done before God in response to his forgiveness of us and command to forgive others-
5-When you sin against someone you also sin against God-

Strange thought-do hummingbirds hum because they don't know the words?

I've learned-the best thing about growing older is that now I don't feel the need to impress anyone!

Today's Scripture
“My times are in Your hands...” (Psalm 31:15).

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-

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