Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday January 27, 2008 thought for the day

Here are my thoughts for today-
1-With a praise in your soul you can endure anything-
2-Sinful behavior is just a reflection of what we are on the inside-
3-What we are on the inside comes out in our outward actions-
4-Good attitudes and behavior we have to be taught-
5-It is never easy to live with a bad conscience-

Strange thought-middle age is when broadness of the mind and the narrowness of the waist change places-

I've learned-my greatest fear is that in later years I'll look back at a long list of things "I never got around to"-

5 things I want to know-
1-What is the proof of receiving salvation?
2-How can you know for sure that your love for God is real?
3-Should we always pray "thy will be done"?
4-Should I claim a promise and then thank God it has already been done?
5-How is it possible for christians to become depressed?

Scripture for today--When Jesus saw their faith, he said to them, "friend, your sins are forgiven!-(Luke 5:20)

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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