1-Don't waste time learning "the tricks of the trade", instead learn the trade-
2-Maturity is knowing when to speak your mind and when to mind your speech-
3-Everything starts in someone's imagination-
4-The secret to living is to get wise before you get old-
5-Happiness is the ability to deal with problems, not the absence of them-
STRANGE THOUGHT-If you run with with goats all week long, you won't smell like a lamb on Sunday-
I'VE LEARNED-If you are asking the wrong question, it doesn't matter what the answer is-
DID YOU KNOW-Ancient Sybarites taught their horses to dance to music to make their parades more glamorous-
1-The bible says that when Stephen was martyred, his face shone like that of an angel. How did it look?
2-Do all angels have freedom of choice?
3-Are angels moral beings?
4-Do angels have an angelic or a human voice?
5-When were angels created?
BIBLE TRIVIA-What was the affliction of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' robe?
Yesterday's answer-Martha John 11:24-27
SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY 2 Corinthians 10:12-18
12 We do not dare to compare ourselves with those who think they are very important. They use themselves to measure themselves, and they judge themselves by what they themselves are. This shows that they know nothing.13 But we will not brag about things outside the work that was given us to do. We will limit our bragging to the work that God gave us, and this includes our work with you.14 We are not bragging too much, as we would be if we had not already come to you. But we have come to you with the Good News of Christ.15 We limit our bragging to the work that is ours, not what others have done. We hope that as your faith continues to grow, you will help our work to grow much larger.16 We want to tell the Good News in the areas beyond your city. We do not want to brag about work that has already been done in another person's area. 17 But, "If people want to brag, they should brag only about the Lord." 18 It is not those who say they are good who are accepted but those the Lord thinks are good.

Father, we’re reminded of the amazing and unpredictable way You work all things together for good when we read the story of Joseph, from the time of his youth to his final breath. Instead of scheming for revenge he sought to relieve his brothers. He comforted their troubled hearts with the reassuring message; You sold me, but God sent me. Help us to recognize that when we are hurt by others words or actions, You surpass their debilitating impact on our lives by the greater plan You’re working in us; teaching us to trust You implicitly, forgive unreservedly, and to be molded into the character of Christ who gave His all in the midst of hateful injustice. Evil was present, but the much greater purpose was that we might be saved from our sins through His submission to Your overall plan. We thank You in Jesus’ name. Amen.