Here are my thoughts for today-
1-A good epitaph--He loved his God, he loved his family and he made a difference in the lives of others-
2-You've got to do your own growing no matter how tall your father or grandfather was.
3-The most precious things in life cannot be built by hands or bought by man-
4-Whatever you put into your heart comes out in your life-
5-What you sow, grows-
Strange thought-Can you "turn off" your brain and put it in neutral and not be working?
I've learned-Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain-
5 things I want to know
1-How was Jesus Holy at birth?
2-How and when is Adam's sin nature passed on to each person?
3-After Jesus's baptism he was "full of the Holy Spirit"--does this happen to us when we are water baptized?
4-Was Jesus full of the Holy Spirit before his baptism?
5-When the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus, a dove came upon him-Why doesn't this happen today?
Scripture for today Psalms 18:43-50
43 You saved me when the people attacked me. You made me the leader of nations.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me. Foreigners obey me.
45 They all become afraid and tremble in their hiding places.
46 The Lord lives! May my Rock be praised. Praise the God who saves me!
47 God gives me victory over my enemies and brings people under my rule.
48 He saves me from my enemies. You set me over whose who hate me. You saved me from cruel men.
49 So I will praise you, Lord, among the nations. I will sing praises to your name.
50 The Lord give great victories to his king. He is loyal to his appointed king, to David and his descendants forever.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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