Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday May 11, 2015 thought for the day

1-Focusing our thoughts on God moves us to praise him-
2-If you can trust God in pain, confusion and loneliness, you will overcome them and eliminate doubt, one of satan's greatest foot holds in your life-
3-Only when honest feelings and emotions are shared can real people be known, loved and helped-
4-In scripture, praise is recognizing, appreciating and expressing God's greatness-
5-God moves us to praise him-
STRANGE THOUGHT-A gossip is a person with a strange sense of rumor-
I'VE LEARNED-Just saying the words "thank you" lifts our spirits-
DID YOU KNOW-Groaking is to watch people eating in the hope that they will offer you some-
1-Does the term "Son of God" apply only to Jesus?
2-Are all Christians siblings?
3-What is the difference in sin and mistake?
4-What does the term"in Christ" mean?
5-What does it mean to "live a Christ like life"?
BIBLE TRIVIA-What is the proper name for the term "not my people"?
Answer   Lo-ammi       Hosea 1:9
Many have tried to report on the things that happened among us. They have written the same things that we learned from others—the people who saw those things from the beginning and served God by telling people his message. Since I myself have studied everything carefully from the beginning, most excellent[a] Theophilus, it seemed good for me to write it out for you. I arranged it in order, to help you know that what you have been taught is true.


  1. 1:3 excellent This word was used to show respect to an important person like a king or ruler.
Praying manFather, at one time we were alienated and excluded from heavenly citizenship. We were foreigners destined to perish. But You, in Your great mercy, redeemed us through Your precious blood and thereby we receive our heavenly citizenship. We also consider the privilege of being citizens of the country from which we were born or choose to live in. There are many benefits as well as responsibilities placed upon us – much that we appreciate and understand and all the while we struggle with the corruption and defiance of many in power who no longer heed the Judeo Christian heritage of our great country’s founding. We want to do our part to turn it around not only for ourselves but for our children and our children’s children. But above all, we fix our attention on our heavenly citizenship in the midst of our disappointments on earth so that we do not lose heart. As our focus is heavenward we are filled with renewed hope and an enduring spirit until You call us to our home in heaven. Keep us obedient, faithful, and hopeful till that glorious day. Amen.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy-

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