Here are my thoughts for today
1-It is better to have a heart without words than words without heart-
2-Prayer is first of all listening to God to see what He has to say-
3-"Search me oh God and know my heart and my anxious thoughts, see if there be any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting"-
4-A good husband makes a good wife, and a good wife makes a good husband-
5-The Bible doesn't call us to be more motivated or more productive workers--the relevant image in scripture is faithfulness and fruitfulness-
Strange thought-Old age is always 15 years older than I am-
I've learned-Circumstances force us to learn the wisdom of quieting our soul and waiting on God (patience)-
5 things I want to know
1-The Bible says that hell is a place of worms eating peoples flesh--is this to be understood literally?
2-What does "gnashing of teeth" mean?
3-What will be the worst thing for the inhabitants in hell to bear?
4-Do people chose hell because they want to go there or because they don't believe there is such a place?
5-Is hell a sentence for behavior choices or simply the end of the path of life we choose to live?
Scripture for today-Proverbs 15:16-24
16-It is better to be poor and respect the Lord than to be wealthy and have much trouble.
17-It is better to eat vegetables with those who love you than to eat meat with those who hate you.
18-People with quick tempers cause trouble but those who control their tempers stop a quarrel.
19-A lazy person's life is like a patch of thorns but an honest person's life is like a smooth highway.
20-A wise son makes his father happy but a foolish son disrespects his mother.
21-A person without wisdom enjoys being foolish but someone with understanding does what is right.
22-Plans fail without good advice but they succeed with the advice of many others.
23-People enjoy giving good advice. Saying the right word at the right time is so pleasing.
24-Wise people's lives get better and better. They avoid whatever would cause their death.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper
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