Here are my thoughts for today
1-We please God far more with a proper heart attitude than with perfect performance-
2-It is one thing to feel sorry for wrongdoing and it is quite another to turn away from it-
3-While God's forgiveness is always available to the repentant, we may still have to live with the results of poor decisions-
4-Choose to do right and you will live without regret-
5-The strength of your faith will be evident in the quality of your life-
Strange thought-if electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
I've learned-the mighty oak tree was one a little nut that stood its ground
5 things I want to know
1-Is faith a choice of the will or a gift from God?
2-Do all people have the same measure of faith to start with?
3-Is faith based on knowledge or knowledge based on faith?
4-What does it mean "you will know the truth and the truth will set you free"?
5-When did time not exist?
Scripture for today-Wise children take their parent's advice, but whoever makes fun of wisdom won't listen to correction. People will be rewarded for what they say, but those who can't be trusted want only violence. Those who are careful about what they say protect their lives, but whoever speaks without thinking will be ruined. The lazy will not get what they want, but those who work hard will. Good people hate what is false, but the wicked do shameful and disgraceful things. Doing what is right protects the honest person, but doing evil ruins the sinner. Proverbs 13:1-6
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper
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