Here are my thoughts for today
1-Coping with difficult people is always a problem, especially if that person happens to be yourself-
2-If we put our work any place higher than third place we have our priorities mixed up-
3-No Christian is meant to be a self sufficient hero in spiritual battles-
4-Striving for excellence is a worthy goal but perfection is impossible-
5-Progress is more important than perfectionism-
Strange thought-You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind-
I've learned-While you can't avoid conflict, you can grow through it-
5 things I want to know
1-Why is the fourth commandment all but ignored by Christians today?
2-Do we desecrate our places of worship by dressing so skimpily?
3-How can you love someone when you don't like them?
4-Was Jesus's mother Mary a widow at the time of Jesus's death?
5-Did Mary the mother of Jesus ever see her resurrected son?
Scripture for today Proverbs 20:1-6
1 Wine and beer make people loud and uncontrolled; it is not wise to get drunk on them.
2 An angry king is like a roaring lion. Making him angry may cost you your life.
3 Foolish people are always fighting, but avoiding quarrels will bring you honor.
4 Lazy farmers don't plow when they should, they expect a harvest, but there is none.
5 People's thoughts can be like a deep well, but someone with understanding can find the wisdom there.
6 Many people claim to be loyal, but it hard to find a trustworthy person.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper
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