Here are my thoughts for today
1-You can't trust and worry at the same time-
2-Enjoy little things for one day you may look backward and realize that they were big things-
3-It is awesome what God can do with a broken heart if he gets all the pieces-
4-In God's rules of success, you must stoop to rise, go down to get up and shrink to grow-
5-When you pray for God's guidance, do not complain if it is different from your preference-
Strange thought-Be what you is, not what you ain't, because when you is what you ain't, then you ain't what you is-
I've learned-A kind word never broke anyone's mouth-
5 things I want to know
1-Did Simon of Cyrene and family become believers in Jesus as the messiah?
2-Did all criminals to be crucified have to carry their cross to the execution site?
3-If Jesus descended into hell when he died, how could the one crucified criminal be with Jesus in paradise that day as Jesus promised he would be?
4-When did the one criminal come to faith in Jesus as the messiah?
5-Are death bed conversions authentic?
Scripture for today Proverbs 21:17-23
17 Whoever loves pleasure will become poor; whoever loves wine and perfume will never be rich.
18 Wicked people will suffer instead of good people, and those who cannot be trusted will suffer instead of those who do right.
19 It is better to live alone in the desert than with a quarreling and complaining wife.
20 Wise people's houses are full of the best foods and olive oil, but fools waste everything they have.
21 Whoever tries to live right and be loyal finds life, success and honor.
22 A wise person can defeat a city full of warriors and tear down the defenses they trust in.
23 Those who are careful about what they say keep themselves out of trouble.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper
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