Here are my thoughts for today
1-Clouds in our life are sent to bring showers of blessings-
2-People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be, not what you nag them to be-
3-Other people don't make you what you are, they only reveal what you already are-
4-To reach the port of heaven, we need sometimes to sail with the wind, sometimes against it, but we must sail, not drift or lye at anchor-
5-To realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the storm-
Strange thought-a friends eye is a good mirror-
I've learned-The next time satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future-
5 things I want to know
1-Whatever happened to the roman guards guarding Jesus's tomb?
2-What do you think Barabbas thoughts were on being freed?
3-Whatever happened to Barabbas after being freed?
4-Is the reason the Jews have been so mistreated over the years because they told Pilate "let his blood be on us and on our children"?
5-Is Pilate remembered for the evil he did or the courage he didn't show?
Scripture for today Proverbs 21:1-8
1 The Lord can control a king's mind as he controls a river; he can direct it as he pleases.
2 You may believe you are doing right, but the Lord judges your reasons.
3 Doing what is right and fair is more important to the Lord than sacrifices.
4 Proud looks, proud thoughts, and evil actions are sin.
5 The plans of hard working people earn a profit, but those who act too quickly become poor.
6 Wealth that comes form telling lies vanishes like a mist and leads to death.
7 The violence of the wicked will destroy them, because they refuse to do what is right-
8 Guilty people live dishonest lives, but honest people do right.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper
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