Here are my thoughts for today
1-The true measure of God's love is that he loves without measure-
2-God does not love us because we are valuable, we are valuable because God lives us-
3-Let all your words be kind and you will always hear kind echoes-
4-You can make more friends with your ears than with your mouth-
5-True love is a gift on which no return is demanded-
Strange thought-How is time represented by the brain?
I've learned-The word enthusiasm is derived from 2 Greek words-"en" meaning in and "theos" meaning God-
5 things I want to know
1-Does poverty or wealth have anything to do with spirituality?
2-Is greed idolatry?
3-Does love have to prove itself?
4-In the Lord's prayer, why is asking for our daily bread ahead of asking for forgiveness?
5-Can you be a secret disciple?
Scripture for today Psalms 14
1 Fools say to themselves, "There is no God." Fools are evil and do terrible things; there is no one who does anything good.
2 The Lord looked down from heaven on all people to see if anyone understood, if anyone was looking to God for help.
3 But all have turned away. Together, everyone has become evil. There is no one who does anything good, not even one.
4 Don't the wicked understand? They destroy my people as if they were eating bread. They do not ask the Lord for help.
5 But the wicked are filled with terror, because God is with those who do what is right.
6 The wicked upset the plans of the poor, but the Lord will protect them.
7 I pray that victory will come to Israel from Mount Zion! May the Lord bring them back. Then the people of Jacob will rejoice, and the people of Israel will be glad.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper