Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24, 2009 thought for the day


Here are my thoughts for today
1-It is easier to debate the bible than to believe it-
2-Unforgiveness-wanting the situation of hurt to continue to control you-
3-To forgive is letting go of the situation as if it had never happened-
4-Forgiveness is given, trust is earned-
5-The lack of forgiveness imprisons you-

Strange thought-How does the brain process the "unknown" when it never was in it's memory bank?

I've learned-it is possible to change-

5 things I want to know
1-How do you win an unwinnable argument?
2-Does God give you strength for the battle or strength in the battle?
3-If David was sure of success against Goliath, why did he choose 5 stones?
4-Could a woman divorce her husband in Jesus's day?
5-Why did Jesus chose exactly 12 disciples?

Scripture for today Psalms 9:1-10
1 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart. I will tell all the miracles you have done.
2 I will be happy because of you; God Most High, I will sing praises to your name.
3 My enemies turn back; they are overwhelmed and die because of you.
4 You have heard my complaint; you sat on your throne and judged by what was right.
5 You spoke strongly against the foreign nations and destroyed the wicked; you wiped out their names forever and ever.
6 The enemy is gone forever. You destroyed their cities; no one even remembers them.
7 But the Lord rules forever. He sits on his throne to judge,
8 and he will judge the world in fairness; he will decide what is fair for the nations.
9 The Lord defends those who suffer; he defends them in times of trouble.
10 Those who know the Lord trust him, because he will not leave those who come to him.

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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