Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday February 21, 2011 thought for the day

1-The self image you have formed of yourself over the years has become the lens through which you look at life and that image is unique to you-
2-Anger often hides behind something else-
3-There are two sides to hurt-pain and anger-
4-You must accept anger as a fact in your life and it needs to be expressed in a disciplined life-
5-Nobody ever did anything great for God without obedience-
STRANGE THOUGHT-You're such a good friend, have you ever considered turning pro?
I'VE LEARNED-Three things in life that are never certain-1 fortune, 2 success, 3 dreams-
DID YOU KNOW-Maine is the only state whose name is only one syllable-
1-If Jesus went to hill after his death, did he do so for all people or only his followers?
2-Should the dead be prayed for?
3-Is there such a thing as "soul sleep" after dying?
4-Is there an intermediate place between earthly living and heaven?
5-When do the "saved" go to heaven?
BIBLE TRIVIA-What king of Israel was told by the prophet Jehu that the royal family would be wiped out because of its destruction of Jeroboam's dynasty?
Yesterday's answer-Paul

8 It is the same with these people who have entered your group. They are guided by dreams and make themselves filthy with sin. They reject God's authority and speak against the angels.9 Not even the archangel Michael, when he argued with the devil about who would have the body of Moses, dared to judge the devil guilty. Instead, he said, "The Lord punish you."10 But these people speak against things they do not understand. And what they do know, by feeling, as dumb animals know things, are the very things that destroy them.11 It will be terrible for them. They have followed the way of Cain, and for money they have given themselves to doing the wrong that Balaam did. They have fought against God as Korah did, and like Korah, they surely will be destroyed.12 They are like dirty spots in your special Christian meals you share. They eat with you and have no fear, caring only for themselves. They are clouds without rain, which the wind blows around. They are autumn trees without fruit that are pulled out of the ground. So they are twice dead.13 They are like wild waves of the sea, tossing up their own shameful actions like foam. They are like stars that wander in the sky. A place in the blackest darkness has been kept for them forever.

14 Enoch, the seventh descendant from Adam, prophesied about these people: "Look, the Lord is coming with many thousands of his holy angels to15 judge every person. He is coming to punish all who are against God for all the evil they have done against him. And he will punish the sinners who are against God for all the evil they have said against him."

16 These people complain and blame others, doing the evil things they want to do. They brag about themselves, and they flatter others to get what they want.


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