9 So one of you will ask me: "Then why does God blame us for our sins? Who can fight his will?"20 You are only human, and human beings have no right to question God. An object should not ask the person who made it, "Why did you make me like this?"21 The potter can make anything he wants to make. He can use the same clay to make one thing for special use and another thing for daily use.
22 It is the same way with God. He wanted to show his anger and to let people see his power. But he patiently stayed with those people he was angry with—people who were made ready to be destroyed.23 He waited with patience so that he could make known his rich glory to the people who receive his mercy. He has prepared these people to have his glory,24 and we are those people whom God called. He called us not from the Jews only but also from those who are not Jews. 25 As the Scripture says in Hosea:
"I will say, 'You are my people'
To those I had called 'not my people.'
And I will show my love
To those people I did not love." — Hosea 2:1, 23
Father, when You compel me like you did Esther to do or say something that’s not within my comfort zone I become fearful of the outcome which prevents me from stepping out in faith and following through with an obedient heart. Would You remind me that there is great blessing when I follow Your leading. Help me not to fear the outcome, for that is in Your hands. My part is simply to be obedient to Your inner voice speaking to me. Thank You for Your prompting and for entrusting me to be a part of your grand purpose.

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