1-Remember, children are only little once-
2-Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects
the man-
3-The end product of child raising is not the child but the parents-
4-Success is not measured by the heights you attain but by the obstacles
that are overcome in their attainment-
5-No one is a failure who can truly say "I have done my best!"-
STRANGE THOUGHT-In theory, everything works-
I'VE LEARNED-Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole day-
DID YOU KNOW-Bank robber John Dillinger played professional baseball-
1-Satan told Jesus that all kingdoms of the world are under his authority.
Are they?
2-Does the term "all the kingdoms of the world" mean the whole earth or
just the mideast?
3-Did satan really think he had a chance of getting Jesus to do his
4-Had Jesus and Satan ever been face to face since the beginning of time
when they were both in heaven?
5-Did Satan really have the authority to offer Jesus power over
BIBLE TRIVIA-Who is the father of lies?
Yesterday's answer-Micaiah 1 Kings 22
SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY Matthew 22:23-33
23 That same day some Sadducees came to Jesus and asked him a question. (Sadducees believed that people would not rise from the dead.)24 They said, "Teacher, Moses said if a married man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for him.25 Once there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died. Since he had no children, his brother married the widow.26 Then the second brother also died. The same thing happened to the third brother and all the other brothers.27 Finally, the woman died.28 Since all seven men had married her, when people rise from the dead, whose wife will she be?"
29 Jesus answered, "You don't understand,
because you don't know what the Scriptures say, and you don't know about the
power of God. 30 When people rise from the dead, they will
not marry, nor will they be given to someone to marry. They will be like the
angels in heaven.31 Surely you have read what God said to you
about rising from the dead. 32 God said, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God
of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.'[a] God is the God of the living, not the
33 When the people heard this, they were amazed
at Jesus' teaching.
You want us to be on the look out for our enemy’s activity and beware of his
approach through the daily temptations that come our way. The narrative might
have changed a great deal had the disciples been on their guard in the Garden of
Gethsemane after Jesus warned them to pray rather than sleep through the night.
We find ourselves much like them because we often ignore the warnings or we are
wearied by them thinking we’ve heard them all our lives. Yet Your warnings and
promises in Scripture are like a watch tower for the soul. You are our refuge
and strength, a very present help in trouble. Your words are truth and all Your
promises will be fulfilled in time. Your name is a strong tower and we who are
righteous run to it and find safety through Christ Jesus our Lord in whose name
we pray. Amen.
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