Monday, April 06, 2015

Monday April 6, 2015 thought for the day

1-The past should not be a place where we live but something from which we learn-
2-Faith is the step between promise and assurance-
3-Every miracle large or small begins with an act of obedience-
4-God often speaks to us today through the gentile and obvious rather than the spectacular and unusual-
5-We are never more closer to defeat than in our moment of greatest victory-
STRANGE THOUGHT-A dog wags its tail with it's heart-
I'VE LEARNED-Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of time if you only remember to turn on the light-
DID YOU KNOW-a horologist measures time-
1-Does "to set apart" mean to make holy?
2-What does "sanctification" have to do with living a holy life?
3-Did the apostle Paul ever baptize anyone?
4-When does a new believer in Jesus receive the Holy Spirit?
5-Does love ever fail?
BIBLE TRIVIA-What was the wicked Bible?
Answer    A 1632 English Bible that omitted the word "not" in the seventh commandment.  It read, "Thou shalt commit adultery-
SCRIPTURE FOR THE DAY    Mark 14:10-11
10 One of the twelve apostles, Judas Iscariot, went to talk to the leading priests to offer to hand Jesus over to them. 11 These priests were pleased about this and promised to pay Judas money. So he watched for the best time to turn Jesus in.
Praying man Father, because we place our trust in You as our sovereign Lord we have an enduring peace that You are the Great Deliverer and that You work all things together for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose. We seek to glorify Jesus, our Solid Rock, who was put to the ultimate test and laid an unshakable foundation for our faith, as He remained true to His mission to provide for our salvation. Our faith is strengthened and our peace perfected as we keep our minds stayed upon You, not only on the bright, cheerful days but on the dismal days when the cloud of discouragement would otherwise obscure the brightness of Your promise to keep us in perfect peace if we keep our minds stayed upon You.  Amen

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy-

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