Here my thoughts for today
1-Of all the things granted us by wisdom, none is greater or better than friendship-
2-Jealousy is all the fun you think they had or how good they seem to have it-
3-A clear conscience is often a sign of a bad memory-
4-Every door that swings wide for you has somebody on the other side opening it.
5-We do what we have to do so we can do what we want to do-
Strange thought-Is there an edge to our universe and if so, how far apart is it?
I've learned-Plan for tomorrow but live for today-
5 things I want to know
1-Is suffering a normal part of every Christian's life?
2-If the Garden of Eden was a perfect place, why was Satan there?
3-Is sin simply refusing to obey God and what He wills?
4-Is sin primarily behavior or a state of the mind (will)?
5-Why was Judas willing to betray Jesus?
Scripture for today Proverbs 30:1-6
1 These are the words of Agur son of Jakeh. This is his message to Ithiel and Ucal.
2 I am the most stupid person there is, and I have no understanding.
3 I have not learned to be wise, and I don't know much about God, the Holy One.
4 Who has gone up to heaven and come back down? Who can hold the wind in his hand? Who can gather up the waters in his coat? Who has set in place the ends of the earth? What is his name or his son's name? Tell me, if you know?
5 Every word of God is true. He guards those who come to him for safety. Do not add to his words, or he will correct you and prove you are a liar.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper