Here are my thoughts for today
1-Diamonds cannot be polished without friction, gold cannot be purified without fire-
2-In order for God to move you to another place, he must first move you from where you are.
3-God is the supreme artist-
4-The probability of life originating by accident is comparable to the probability of the complete dictionary resulting from an explosion in a printing plant-
5-All nature , including man, is a wondrous instrument of many strings, delicately tuned to work God's will and upon which he plays with a master hand-
Strange thought-You can't tell which way the train went by looking at the track-
I've learned-Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car-
5 things I want to know
1-Did sin enter the world through the actions of Eve or the inaction's of Adam?
2-Why should the Jews have believed that Jesus was the messiah when for over 400 years many had come and claimed to be the messiah?
3-Did Joseph and Mary's family know that Joseph was not Jesus biological father?
4-What is the Holy Grail?
5-Is there a difference in the meaning of "the Holy Spirit" and "the Spirit of God"?
Scripture for today Proverbs 26:15-21
15 Lazy people may put their hands in the dish, but they are too tired to lift the food to their mouths.
16 The lazy person thinks he is wiser than seven people who give sensible answers.
17 Interfering in someone else's quarrel as you pass by is like grabbing a dog by the ears.
18 Like a madman shooting deadly, burning arrows
19 is the one who tricks a neighbor and then says, "I was just joking."
20 Without wood, a fire will go out, and without gossip, quarreling will stop.
21 Just as charcoal and wood keep a fire going, a quarrelsome person keeps an argument going.
I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper
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