Friday, April 03, 2009

Friday April 3, 2009 thought for the day

Here are my thoughts for today
1-Few things can help a person more than to give him responsibility and then let him know that you trust him-
2-Repentance from sin is the condition on which God will hear our prayers-
3-The church (Christians) has a responsibility to be holy in a sinful culture-
4-Many Christians have lost their shame and grief over their sins-
5-The pharisees lived by law and not love-

Strange thought-If you did the things you are capable of, you would astound yourself-

I've learned-Success is often not a matter of talent but tenacity-

5 things I want to know
1-Do you know when you are humble?
2-Can you practice humility?
3-Is God's presence always known or felt?
4-How did the two Egyptian men in an altercation know Moses had killed an Egyptian the day before?
5-What is the "spirit of gentleness"?

Scripture for today Proverbs 25:1-7
1 These are more wise sayings of Soloman, copied by the men of Hezekiah king of Judah.
2 God is honored for what he keeps secret. Kings are honored for what they can discover.
3 No one can measure the height of the skies or the depth of the earth. So also no one can understand the mind of a king.
4 Remove the scum from the silver so the silver can be used by the silversmith.
5 Remove wicked people from the king's presence; then his government will be honest and last a long time.
6 Don't brag to the king and act as if you are great.
7 It is better for him to give you a higher position than to bring you down in front of the prince.

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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