1-There is nothing as powerful as unused power-
2-You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace
unless they are free-
3-Do more than belong-participate, do more than care-help, do more than
believe-practice, do more than be fair-be kind, do more than forgive-forget, do
more than dream-work-
4-Always be yourself-
5-To get started, quit talking and begin doing-
STRANGE THOUGHT-Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
I'VE LEARNED-When we get tangled up in our problems, God wants us to be
still so he can untangle the knot
DID YOU KNOW-The great horned owl can turn it's head 270 degrees-
1-Would Bathsheba have resisted King David's interest in her or was she
interested, or as a subject of the king did she have no choice in the
2-In the old testament God punished children for the sins of their
fathers. Does he still do that today?
3-Is prosperity dangerous to your spiritual health-
4-What is the connection between having faith for something you can't see
and then praying for its fulfillment?
5-Who was the first person in the Bible to raise someone form the dead back
to life?
BIBLE TRIVIA-Who is supposed to have been a missionary to Armenia?
Yesterday's answer-Andronicus and Junias
12 Then the whole group became quiet. They listened to Paul
and Barnabas tell about all the miracles and signs that God did through them
among the people. 13 After they finished speaking, James said, “Brothers,
listen to me. 14 Simon has told us how God showed his love for those
people. For the first time he is accepting from among them a people to be his
own. 15 The words of the prophets agree with this
16 ‘After these things I will return.
The kingdom of David is like a fallen tent.
But I will rebuild its ruins,
And I will set it up.
17 Then those people who are left alive may ask the Lord for help,
And the other nations that belong to me,
Says the Lord,
Who will make it happen.
18 And these things have been known for a long time.’ Amos 9:11–12
The kingdom of David is like a fallen tent.
But I will rebuild its ruins,
And I will set it up.
17 Then those people who are left alive may ask the Lord for help,
And the other nations that belong to me,
Says the Lord,
Who will make it happen.
18 And these things have been known for a long time.’ Amos 9:11–12
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