Friday, October 01, 2010

Friday October 1, 2010 thought for the day

1-If what you are doing isn't working, it is time you did something else-
2-When you are in pain, it is not always wise to follow your gut instincts-
3-The dawn of a new day comes after the darkest part of the night-
4-Your attitude determines your behavior-
5-To change your behavior, you must first change your thoughts-
STRANGE THOUGHT-Is there a downside to positive thinking?
I'VE LEARNED-An apology is a good way to have the last word-
DID YOU KNOW-"Happy as a clam is from the expression "happy as a clam at high tide." Clams are harvested when the tide is out.
1-Will the backslider suffer more in eternity than the one who never knew Jesus?
2-Did the fallen angels know there would be no chance of any reconciliation for them?
3-Is the rapture a true Biblical concept?
4-Is the rapture a part of the 2nd coming of Jesus?
5-Is God's perfect will always done?
BIBLE TRIVIA-Who is the first daughter mentioned by name in the Bible?
Yesterday's answer-Milcah
Jesus' Power Is from God
14 One time Jesus was sending out a demon who could not talk. When the demon came out, the man who had been unable to speak, then spoke. The people were amazed. 15 But some of them said, "Jesus uses the power of Beelzebul, the ruler of demons, to force demons out of people."

16 Other people, wanting to test Jesus, asked him to give them a sign from heaven. 17 But knowing their thoughts, he said to them, "Every kingdom that is divided against itself will be destroyed. And a family that is divided against itself will not continue. 18 So if Satan is divided against himself, his kingdom will not continue. You say that I use the power of Beelzebul to force out demons.19 But if I use the power of Beelzebul to force out demons, what power do your people use to force demons out? So they will be your judges. 20 But if I use the power of God to force out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you.

21 "When a strong person with many weapons guards his own house, his possessions are safe. 22 But when someone stronger comes and defeats him, the stronger one will take away the weapons the first man trusted and will give away the possessions.

23 "Anyone who is not with me is against me, and anyone who does not work with me is working against me.

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