Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday May 17, 2009 thought for the day


Here are my thoughts for today
1-We need to practice the presence of God-
2-It is impossible to love Jesus and not love the church-
3-The greatest need the church has is integrity--to be what it's people say they are-
4-The church is an assembly of committed believers in Jesus--not a building-
5-It is in the silence of the heart that God speaks-

Strange thought-How does a black cow eat green grass and give white milk?

I've learned-Sarcasm will only cause others to have contempt for you, while respect will bring you adoration-

5 things I want to know
1-How is it that the righteous will "scarcely be saved"?
2-Why was spit used in healing the blind person?
3-Why didn't Jesus explain to the disciples what the "yeast of the pharisees" was?
4-What is the "social gospel"?
5-Is there anything wrong or immoral in having wealth?

Scripture for today Psalm 4
1 Answer me when I pray to you, my God who does what is right. Make things easier for me when I am in trouble.
2 People, how long will you turn my honor into shame? How long will you love what is false and look for new lies?
3 You know that the Lord has chosen for himself those who are loyal to him. The Lord listens when I pray to him.
4 When you are angry, do not sin. Think about these things quietly as you go to bed.
5 Do what is right as a sacrifice to the Lord and trust the Lord.
6 Many people ask, "Who will give us anything good?" Lord, be kind to us.
7 But you have made me very happy, happier than they are, even with all their grain and new wine.
8 I go to bed and sleep in peace, because, Lord, only you keep me safe.

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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