Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday December 19, 2011 thought for the day

1-Love is taking someone else's problem as your own-
2-If you are problem centered you are negative, if you are solution centered you are positive-
3-If you have never thanked God for Jesus, you don't appreciate what he has done for you-
4-A lack of reverence cheapens grace-
5-There never is a church conflict without someone introducing it-
STRANGE THOUGHT-Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends-
I'VE LEARNED-A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose and impossible to forget-
DID YOU KNOW-In Athens, Greece, a driver's license can be taken away by law if the driver is deemed either "unbathed" or "poorly dressed."
1-How do you express gratitude?
2-How can you relate to someone who has an unforgiving attitude?
3-Should we always forgive everything (are all things forgivable)?
4-Are any conflicts worth a strained relationship?
5-How is a forgiven person supposed to act?
BIBLE TRIVIA-Who begged her sister for some mandrakes, hoping they would help bear bear children?
Yesterday's answer-Elizabeth Luke 1:5
SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY 2 Corinthians 1:12-14
12 This is what we are proud of, and I can say it with a clear conscience: In everything we have done in the world, and especially with you, we have had an honest and sincere heart from God. We did this by God's grace, not by the kind of wisdom the world has. 13-14 We write to you only what you can read and understand. And I hope that as you have understood some things about us, you may come to know everything about us. Then you can be proud of us, as we will be proud of you on the day our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

Praying man Father, through the prophet Isaiah’s words, we are reminded that Your Word does not return void but accomplishes that which You desire. It is a lamp unto our feet and a light for our path. Your Word is divinely inspired and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that we are thoroughly equipped for every good work. We’re grateful for the guidance we receive daily through faithfully reading and applying Scripture to our lives. Amen.


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