Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday December 22, 2014 thought for the day

1-Through the Spirit of God we can live like the Son of God-
2-Surely there is more to the life of the Christian faith than church meetings, bible study, religious jargon and repetitious prayers-
3-The original disciples were a group of unlikely misfits but who later turned the world upside down-
4-The Holy Spirit transformed the frightened, reluctant disciples into strong hearted, unintimidated, invincible messengers of God-
5-After the disciples had been filled with the Holy Spirit, those who were troubled and fearful no longer struggled with those feelings-
STRANGE THOUGHT-Synonym-a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of-
I'VE LEARNED-A moment of patience is a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret-
DID YOU KNOW-Pokemon stands for "pocket monster"
1-Was Jesus vulnerable to all conditions of human life?
2-Was there any uncertainty or hesitancy in Mary to receive what the angel told her?
3-How do you know someone is sincere when they say "I'M SORRY"?
4-Does God test the quality of our love for him?
5-Can we apologize with selfish motives?
BIBLE TRIVIA-When Jesus healed a paralyzed man, what did the man pick up and carry home?
Answer for today    his bed    Matthew 9:1-8
18 As Jesus was getting back into the boat, the man who was freed from the demons begged to go with him.
19 But Jesus would not let him. He said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 So the man left and began to tell the people in the Ten Towns[a] about what Jesus had done for him. And everyone was amazed.


  1. 5:20 Ten Towns In Greek, called “Decapolis.” It was an area east of Lake Galilee that once had ten main towns.
 Praying man Father, You have given me many treasures that cannot be bought with money and friendship is among them. I thank You for the special friends who brighten my outlook and challenge me to be a better person. Thank You for my caring friend who loves me and never gives up on me even when I feel like giving up on myself. For that dear friend who comes alongside me and helps carry the burdens that I bear, I am especially thankful. My life is enriched and my spirit is refreshed as I share my heart with a close friend who does not criticize but accepts my frailties; who prays for me and expresses love for me in ways that build me up and strengthen me in the trials of life. Father, You are the greatest and most trusting Friend that I will ever know so help me to draw near to You so that You draw near to me.  Amen.
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, and enough hope to make you happy-

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