Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday January 25, 2008 thought for the day

"GIDDY UP"!!!!!!!!
Here are my thoughts for today-
1-gratitude is the attitude that makes optimism possible-
2-thankfulness can increase your joy by increasing your sense of blessing-
3-it is only when you start counting your blessings that you realize how many you really have-
4-counting blessings is like hugging God back-
5-possibilities is a gift offered only to the living-

Strange thoughts-who put the "thin ice" sign on the thin ice?

I've learned-if you don't have a will or do some estate planning, the government and lawyers
become your heirs-

5 things I want to know
1-How can a Christian talk about the lost without tears in their eyes?
2-What does it take to turn an indifferent Christian into one who cares?
3-What is the ultimate test of faith-
4-Is prayer your speaking to God or God communicating to you?
5-Do you have to experience Christianity before you can understand it?

Scripture for today-"At the name of Jesus every knee will bow....and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" Phil. 2:10-11

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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