Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday January 23, 2008 thought for the day

Here are my thoughts for today-
1-it is wrong to think that serving others is having to do something we don't enjoy-
2-one person can't do everything and is not supposed to do everything-
3-you will receive a blessing from serving others but you may not always see results-
4-saying and being thankful are not the same-
5-in the sowing and reaping principle, your harvest doesn't always come in the form you expect-

Strange thought-it is better to have loved a short woman than never to have loved a tall-

I've learned-ultimately takers lose and givers win!

5 things I want to know-
1-When does anger become resentment?
2-In your body, where is your soul?
3-Why do Christians need to be motivated about their salvation?
4-Why do Christians often have to be begged to participate in a church program?
5-Can a group of people know God's will or is it just for individuals?

Today's Scripture
“The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom’s friend” (Psalm 111:10).

I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, forgiveness and thanksgiving-jasper

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