Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday June 11, 2011 thought for the day

1-It is love, not time that heals all wounds-
2-When you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you-
3-To ignore the facts does not change the facts-
4-If you want to enjoy the rain you have to put up with the rain-
5-Under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be loved and appreciated-
STRANGE THOUGHT-When we agree with a fool, they do too-
I'VE LEARNED- It is not what you know, it is not who you know, it is what you know about who you know-
DID YOU KNOW-The most common pear worldwide is the Bartlett-
1-What happens when our faith doesn't bring about the desired results?
2-Is there as much demon possession today as in Jesus' day or is it called by other names?
3-How does God's will play a part in our faith?
4-Should Jesus' statement "Everything is possible to him who believes" be taken as an unqualified promise?
5-Can a person who has great wealth be a Christian?
BIBLE TRIVIA-What Midianite woman married Moses?
Yesterday's answer-The wife of Potiphar Genesis 39:7-20
SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY Colossians 2:6-15
Continue to Live in Christ
6 As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live in him.7 Keep your roots deep in him and have your lives built on him. Be strong in the faith, just as you were taught, and always be thankful.

8 Be sure that no one leads you away with false and empty teaching that is only human, which comes from the ruling spirits of this world, and not from Christ. 9 All of God lives fully in Christ (even when Christ was on earth), 10 and you have a full and true life in Christ, who is ruler over all rulers and powers.

11 Also in Christ you had a different kind of circumcision, a circumcision not done by hands. It was through Christ's circumcision, that is, his death, that you were made free from the power of your sinful self.12 When you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and you were raised up with him through your faith in God's power that was shown when he raised Christ from the dead.13 When you were spiritually dead because of your sins and because you were not free from the power of your sinful self, God made you alive with Christ, and he forgave all our sins.14 He canceled the debt, which listed all the rules we failed to follow. He took away that record with its rules and nailed it to the cross.15 God stripped the spiritual rulers and powers of their authority. With the cross, he won the victory and showed the world that they were powerless.


May the forgiving spirit of Him to whom we dedicate our lives prevail again on earth.

May hunger disappear and terrorists cease their senseless acts.

May people live in freedom, worshiping as they see fit, loving others.

May the sanctity of the home be ever preserved.

May peace, everlasting peace, reign supreme.


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